Monday, June 4, 2007

Welcome To 4th Grade

Hello 3rd graders!!! I am going to tell you all about 4th grade. In 4th grade there is lots of things that are fun. You get to play lots of games like spelling basketball, SpongeBob, Around the World, and other games. At the end of the school year you get to have a party at the Roller Dome. But the best part about 4th grade is the field trips. In 4th grade you get to do lots of field trips like going to the McMillen Center. But the best field trip I went to was going to Indianapolis. Moving right along lets talk about whats going on in 4th grade. In 4th grade you get to have two books instead of one book in the media center, and you get to be in art for a whole hour. Then in lunch you to do recess first. After recess you eat lunch. Oh I almost forgot to tell you about the bowling club. Every Thursday you can bowl at Georgetown bowl for $5.00. It was a blast and I think I improved. I hope you have a good summer and have a good year in 4th grade.



4th grade

I'm going to tell you about 4th grade. We have a pet snake and it's a corn snake. We also go outside when we are good. We do a raffle with tickets these are the steps. 1 He passes out tickets and we put are names on them. 2 He comes around with a basket you can put in however many you want. 3 He takes them back to his desk and he closes his eyes. He takes one out opens his eyes and reads a name off. If he calles your name off you go up to the desk and you get a prizes. I hope you have a good time in fourth grade. Good Luck


Welcome to 4th grade

Hello 3rd graders this is a 4th grader speaking.Did you know that in a couple of months you will be in the 4th grade. When you walk in that door way you will notice that it will be easy at first but it will get harder, and harder. Oh and also you get to have more field trips like one to Indianapolis, McMillen Health Center,and at the end of the year you get to go to the Roller Dome and skate. Did you know that in the 4th grde you get to have recess before you eat lunch? 4th grade is fun when you get used to it. When you go to 4th grade sometimes you will have hard homework and sometimes you will have easy homework. When you get in 4th grade you will make mistakes but that's the part of learning. When you are in the 4th grade and you go home you wish you haven't gone home because it will be so fun. The surprise about this is that you get to have new friends. Oh here's a tip for you 3rd graders try not to get in trouble a lot because you will miss out on a lot of things. I hope you have a good year.



Hello 3rd graders summer is growing close and some of you are excited to be fourth graders . First of all you will be going on a lot of field trips like Indianapolis, when you go to Indianapolis you will go to the Indy 500, Conner's Prairie ,and the Children's Museum.The other places you will be going on are the Historical Museum, and Macmillen center. Oh and at the Macmillen Center you will learn what are in drugs and what they do to you and what could happen and why not to use them plus at the end of the year you will be going to Bells rink. Now since we got that covered we will talk about how big your books will be next year. Your reading books will be thicker, and heavier ,and have more pages. Your Social Studies book will be about the same size. Mostly you will have the same subjects. Instead of lunch then recess you will have recess then lunch. In the fall you will have to take ISTEP. Next year when you take ISTEP it will get harder. In fourth grade you will get to pass out the lunches to the second graders, third graders, fourth graders,and the fifth graders. Well, I hope you have a great time in the fourth grade next year and have a great summer vacation and see you next year.


Coming to 4th grade

Dear 3rd graders,

In 4th grade you'll have alot of work in class. You'll learn how to divide numbers and learn about stuff you never learned about. You'll go on fieldtrips, like the HEALTH CENTER oh ,and to INDY. Instead of lunch first ,and recess last, it's the other way around.

You may think 3rd grade is hard ,but you may be wrong. Oh, and have a bunch of fun in 4th grade!!!!


Fun in Fourth Grade

Dear 3rd grade, I will tell you three things that are fun in fourth grade. You go to Indy. Indy is fun because you go to the Indy 500 car museum, Children's Museum, and Connor's Prairie. You go skating. It's at the end of the year so that's fun. Bowling Club is exciting because you go every Thursday, and you get free shirts.

4th Grade

Games in 4th grade are really fun. Like always you have to do work before you play games. In Mr. Megles' Class you could play Spelling Basketball, Math Basketball, Multiplication Around the World, and Multiplication or Division Bingo. Different classes play different games.
ISTEP tests are alot harder. Quarterlies, don't even get me started on those. Everyone should know this, you take smaller tests to get ready for the bigger ones. Everyday after you go home you should study on the test that is going to be given. Some classes have students that do 80% or better get Pizza Partys, Milkshakes, or extra recess. If you get a 100 on your ISTEP you are doing fine. Alot of people can't get a 100% on their ISTEP tests.
Field Trips are amazing. You go to The Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Connor's Prairie, The Children's Museum, and Bell's Skating Rink. The Bus ride was so fun. All of the 4th graders got to talk to each other and watch movies like The Emperors New Groove and The Incredibles.
Well thats all for now. Bye Bye!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to Fourth Grade

Hi I am fourth grader and my name is Dezeray. I just wanted to tell you guys you will have to read more books. You might get a nice teacher like you might get your teacher I have right now. I have not been here a long time you guys might not know me but I'm just giving you the inside scoop. In fourth grade but some times you get to go outside and you have to know your math because you do alot of it. So be careful your hands are ready to write so think before you come to fourth grade. .Some times the teachers read to you after lunch and some times you get to come to the computer lab but some times when you get in trouble you have to pull a card and you don't have to sit in desk you get to sit at a table with other kids . It is fun in fourth grade so you better be ready for all those things I wrote about. I hope this helps you in fourth grade. Get ready to have fun.


Hello Third Graders!

Today I'm going to talk about fourth grade. Here is a list of things to prepare for.

. math: Here you will learn more about fractions, decimals, long divison, primeter and area.

. Reading: In reading you will have to read bigger boks with longer stories.

. Social studies: In social studies you will learn about Indians and wars.

. Science: in science you will have three experiments. Electricety, Structures of Life, and Landforms.

. Health: in health you will learn how to take care of your body and how to avoid drugs.

. Fun: Now that I'm done talking about work I can talk about fun things. (1) feild trips: In fourth grade you will go on 6 feild
trips. Roller dome, Health center, History Museum, and Conner's Prairie, Indianapolis Speedway, and the Childrens musuem all in Indianapolis. Well there is so much fun things in fourth grade I don't have enough paper to write it on so you'll just have to wait.


Dear 3rd grader

Hi 3rd graders. I'm going to till you about 4rd grade. You will have to read bigger books and do more homework. For example you have math, reading, language arts, you get the point .You will have one hour in art and 40min in computerlab. We have a snake and his name is Slithern. I do not know if the other classrooms have pets . But I know we have a pet. That is enough for now. Good luck in the Fourth Grade.


Dear 3rd graders

Hey Its me Paige Snyder. Some of you know me but that's not what I'm here for. I'm here to tell you about 4th grade. 4th grade is a lot of fun some times. In 4th grade the books are bigger and the tests are longer . But if you have a great teacher well all the 4th grade teachers are great. When your teachers in 3rd grade tell you to do a harder test or a paper just do it. Can you guess why teachers get hard on you during the end of the year? It's because they want you to do good in 4th grade. And well I'm here to help you to but not with test, by telling you what you should exspect in 4th grade. I know you will have fun in 4th grade. Alright now to the fun things in 4th grade. At the end of the year there is a party at Bells,theres a field trip to Indy it's so much fun you can bring a camara and take pictures. And oh yeah there is a field trip to a museum and they tell you about drugs and how you should not smoke or chew tobaccaco. It is very nice to know what can happen if you do smoke or chew tobaccaco.What other things are there. Oops I forgot instead of going to lunch then recess you go to recess then lunch. And for art you have 1 hour. It's more fun when you are in art for 1 hour than when you are hearing it. And you get to meet more friends, and the year after 4th grade there's 5th grade. When you are in 4th grade you start to think about if you will get the chance to be a lunch helper. And hey maybe I will talk to you about 5th grade when I'm in it so hope you have fun in 4th grade.

Your friend
Paige Snyder <3

Welcome to Fourth Grade

Dear Third Graders,
I hope that you have had a great year, but now you are going to be entering the fourth grade! In fourth grade you have to learn how to play the recorder and you get an hour in art. You also go on field trips such as, Indianapolis, the Roller Dome, and the McMillan Health center. During the Indianapolis feild trip you will go to The Children's Museum, Indianapolis 500, and Conner's Prairie. And all of these places have a gift shop, but that is not the point of the trip. The main thing is to learn something from each of the places that you go to. I don't want to spoil the trip so I will begin to tell about what you will be doing during the other trips. At the Roller Dome you will basically just be skating, and since you will be there all day long you'll have to eat lunch there too. At the McMillan Health Center you will be learning about drugs, what they do to you, and how to say no to drugs. In class you have five subjects, reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. In reading you will be reading stories and take a test which is the same as usual, but I am warning you those books are about twice the size as those books you have now. For language arts you do writing most of the time but other times you might have a paper with questions about punctuation or personification. During math you will be learning about algebra, more about decimals, and adding or subtracting fractions. In science you have to learn about Structures of Life, Electricity, and Earth and Life. In social studies you will be learning about the Native Americans and you have to write a report about something that has to do with the Native Americans like a person, weapons or even a whole Indian tribe. I hope that enjoyed reading about what fourth grade is like and I also hope like what teacher you end up getting.

Brittany Keuneke

Fourth Grade Field Trips

In fourth grade you get to go on tons of field trips. The biggest and best is the trip to Indianapolis. You get to enjoy a full day of fun-from 6:30 in the morning to 6:00 at night. I don't want to give the whole trip away, but I will tell you a few details. Early in the morning you ride a bus to Indianapolis. You get to see exhibits at a mueseum, I won't tell you what mueseum though! You also get to learn about life in the past at a really cool place. That's all I'm going to tell about the trip to Indianapolis. I'll let you find out the rest yourself.
Another trip you get to go on is to the History Mueseum, which is located downtown Fort Wayne. That field trip is great. At the History Mueseum you get to learn about what Fort Wayne, Indaina was like in the 1800's and early 1900's. You even get to go down in the basement and look at the jail. It is very scary!
The last field trip you go on is to Macmillan Health Center to learn about drugs. You are going to figure out that drugs are bad and really can harm you. Not all drugs can harm you though. The only drug that will help you is a perscription drug. Which is something a doctor tells you to take due to a pain or illness, but I'll let the people at Macmillan teach you that. I think after that day no one in rooms 101, 103, 105, or 107 wanted to do drugs or smoke, because of what we were taught.
So I bet you are even more thrilled about fourth grade. I bet you are very excited about Indianapolis. You are thinking that the History Museum sounds very interesting, and your curious about what is going to happen at Macmillian. Have fun in fourth grade and on the fourth grade field trips.

Greetings Third Graders!!

Greetings third graders! Summer's growing close and I know you're all excited about becoming 4th graders. Luckily I'm a 4th grader and today I'm going to tell you all about it.
First of all the field trips. In 4th grade you'll go on 4 main field trips including Indianpolis, Mcmillen Health Center, The History Museum and Bells Skating Rink. In Indianapolis you'll go to 3 places which are Children's Museum, Indy Motor Museum and Conner's Prairie.
Now enough about field trips, let's talk about The Bowling Club. In 4th grade you'll be able to attend the bowling club. The bowling club is somthing where you go to the bowling alley, and bowl every Thursday for just $5.00 every time you go. If you want you're allowed to bring extra money to buy snacks like Fries, Nachos, Candy, Chips, or Drinks.
Okay now on to Math, Spelling ,Science, Reading, Social Studies, and Health. First off Math, in 4th grade you'll learn lots of new stuff in Math like Lond Divsion, Fractions, Decimals, Area, and Perimeter. If you have Mr.Megles like me you'll have lots of fun in those.
Next Spelling. In Spelling you'll have lots of fun (even though you'll have test) because you'll play spelling sponge board, Spelling Basketball, and even Spelling kick ball!
For my third subject I'm going to tell you about Reading! In 4th grade you'll have bigger books, which means longer stories and chapters. Although your teacher might read to you it can still get kinda boring, so please prepare to read!
Number 4, Science. In Science you'll learn about Crayfish, Electricity, and Seeds. All of theese can be very fun. My personal favorite is Crayfish because you get to play with Crayfish.
Finally, Social studies and Health. In 4th grade Social Studies you'll learn about Native Americans. This is a really fun thing to learn about because you can build tepes and show the class. In 4th grade Health you'll learn about your body and drugs. This can be fun or boring!

Well thats all. Good luck in 4th grade

In the Fourth Grade

Young third graders,
You will be run into the fourth in a couple months! The fourth grade is a very strange grade. For example, you might have only one recess but if you work hard you can probably be able to play outside for a second time.
In the fourth grade you would get two books in the library! Maybe your teacher will make you get a chapter book,and don't ask me why because I don't know. You will have to go to gym twice a week,and you will have to go to art one time a week,the music room is two times a week, and last is library and you go one time a week. One thing is you will do recorders in the music room.
Class room subjects are math, soical studies, health, science, reading, spelling, laguage,and writing. The books are twice the size of your's so that means more work.
In the math work book there is bigger and harder multiplication problems, and you will learn division. In soical studies you learn about the Indians, Europeans, British, and the pilgrams. Health is a subject that you learn how to take care of your body. Oh,in science you would learn how to light up a light bulb, you'd make land forms, and you watch how a cray fish live. Reading is when you read a story and later at the end of the week you would be tested. Spelling is what you should know, you spell words and if one is wrong you would have to study that word with some new words. Then at the end of the week when your done studying you do the spelling test. For writing you learn how to write a big story, and I say writing is fun. That is all I'm going to tell you, so the rest will be a surprise!


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Getting Ready for Fourth Grade

So, are you excited? Excited about almost being fourth graders? 4th grade is a whole new world. Sometimes when you are in the fourth grade you can challenge other classes in Around The World. { Multiplication} When you are in the fourth grade you will go on amazing trips such as, Indianapolis Motor Speedway, The Children's Museum, and Conner's Prairie. But since it is so big you have to wait till the end of the school year. I have a question. Did you start division? In fourth grade division is much harder. We do 1 digit, 2 digit, and 3 digit numbers. Really hard! Well since you guys are going to become fourth graders you will eat lunch with the 5th graders. Which is us. { ALMOST} The ISTEP test is much harder in the fourth grade than the 3rd grade. Alot of stuff could happen in the fourth grade.You will absolutely love it! You will also help 1st graders with reading and math. I wish I could stay in fourth grade. {not} Finally, you should have fun and listen to your teacher, and after that everything will be just fine.

Jacob H,

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Welcome To Fourth Grade

In a couple of months you'll be walking into the fourth grade. Fourth grade is not just any grade. There are so many fun things to do. Especially the field trips. Believe it or not you get to go to Indianapolis! Doesn't that sound fun?
Not eveything is fun in fourth grade, of course. The books are like twice the size!! Which means twice the work!!!! You learn all the same subjects: Reading, Health, Math, Social Studies, Writing, and Science. Like alays you will go to art, gym, music, lunch, and recess. By the way recess and lunch are switched around.
Guess what. There is a really cool thing that you can do in fourth grade. It is called the Haley Elementary Bowling Club. This is how it works. Your parent signs a sheet saying you are allowed to spend Thursday evening bowling. You turn it into your teacher, with the five dollars that buys you shoes and a ball. When the club starts Mr. Megles or Mr. Babitt drives you in a mini bus to the Georgetown bowling alley. You can bowl two games and eat snacks with your friends. At five o'clock a family member takes you home. Remeber all it costs is five dollars each week. It is really fun. I think you would like it!
Now you know what to expect in August, when school starts. HAVE FUN IN FOURTH GRADE!!!!!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Our Class

Our class is a fourth grade class with 9 and 10 year olds. We have class pet named Slithern who is a corn snake. Everyone likes Sithern and Mr. Megles used to bring in his dog, Gracie. The school year started with a quiet class in room 103. Then we began to connect with each other and we became very LOUD!!!! Most of us like to draw and use our imaginations. Our favorite day of the week is Friday, because we have all worked hard all week. After lunch Mr. Megles reads to us. Some of the books he has read is Trapped in Death Cave, Who Stole the Twelve Days of Christmas, Who Stole Halloween, Hatchet, Because of Winn Dixie, Nancy Drew, The Kid in the Red Jacket, and Fourth Grade Rats. We also play games like spelling basketball, spongeboard spelling, product game, and Around the World. If you receive an 80% or better on your quarterlies, Mr. Megles treats those students to pizza, Wendy's, or milkshakes.