Monday, June 4, 2007


Hello 3rd graders summer is growing close and some of you are excited to be fourth graders . First of all you will be going on a lot of field trips like Indianapolis, when you go to Indianapolis you will go to the Indy 500, Conner's Prairie ,and the Children's Museum.The other places you will be going on are the Historical Museum, and Macmillen center. Oh and at the Macmillen Center you will learn what are in drugs and what they do to you and what could happen and why not to use them plus at the end of the year you will be going to Bells rink. Now since we got that covered we will talk about how big your books will be next year. Your reading books will be thicker, and heavier ,and have more pages. Your Social Studies book will be about the same size. Mostly you will have the same subjects. Instead of lunch then recess you will have recess then lunch. In the fall you will have to take ISTEP. Next year when you take ISTEP it will get harder. In fourth grade you will get to pass out the lunches to the second graders, third graders, fourth graders,and the fifth graders. Well, I hope you have a great time in the fourth grade next year and have a great summer vacation and see you next year.


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